In the movie, when the poor young boy Jack was playing gambling, if he wins he is gonna make it into the Cruise and if he loses, gonna lose all his money. Finally, he wins and feels very very happy for being able to make it to the Titanic. Losing would have made his days tough as he would be left with no money, made his foreign dreams ruin. But at the end he dies and winning makes him lose the ultimate asset of life, the 'life'.
We consider Winning as good and losing as bad. We consider getting a seat in the best Business School in the city as good, not getting as bad. We feel losing in an interview for a job in an MNC as bad, missing the train with a few minutes gap, meeting accident in seconds gap, losing in exams, not getting the first crush as life partner, getting sacked from the well paying job, not getting the expected promotion at office, not finding the fav. dish in the restaurant, and the list goes on. But it isn't the case always, might be with Mr. Jack in Titanic, or with you or with me or with any one, any thing else in the world. For instance, three years ago I lost in the final round of interview with 'Accenture' for the job of 'Pre trained Junior Software Engineer' and the one and only chap who made to it out of around 120 of us looked like a Super hero to us. But to me after three yrs it looks like it did a lot good for me for different reasons. I believe that stopping to worry about the result of some thing thats not fully under our control, and keeping to go on no matter what it is would surely pay at some point of the journey.
Something that looks good mayn't be good as it looks like, something that looks bad mayn't be bad as it looks like.... There you go and thats the 'Jack Theory' :)
Just to add, one more thing that I observed from the universally accepted love story is that the so called 'LOVE' isn't only with one in life and is not some thing unforgotten in life time as fantasised by many.

Hello Sripal, Good to see you writing more. Very well interpretation from the movie. Its true, one man's winnig is another man's loss.But winning and loosing depends on that person's objective to participate in the race in the first place. Is it the partcipation that excites him? or winning that excites him?? So it may not be the destination, but the journey could be exciting as well. It all depends on your objective in life. Detours keep coming in the journey and destination might keep getting changed, but as long one has the flexibily and the strength to accept the change in life, it will be a fun ride. Just strive to get what you want and enjoy your journey to get there, but have the flexibility to chage routes.
ReplyDelete"God gave me the strength to accept what I can not change
and courage to change what I can
and the wisdom to distiguish the difference"
-I don't know who said it, but definitely more intelligent than I am.. ;o)
It all depends on how u perceive life.Had my obvious aim in life was to marry shruthi,my engineering obsession, i was a failure as i couldnt get her.U are obviusly referring the end effect of JACK losing his life.U are saying u are in better position now despite u losing an interview couple of years ago.This is nothing but an indication of where one ends up finally.It makes sense that in pursuit of your goal,u may face obstacles but still gotta proceed further.what if my obvious aim is to become a film maker and i kept on trying till 55 yet couldnt make it?i wont really enjoy the journey i have been through.What if u are still jobless.u still would have felt that u missed it narrowly 3 years ago.All it takes is a moment to forget the disaster or happiness in life which depends on gaining what u have lost all your life or winning every thing that eluded you so far.Success defies every thing as does failure.
ReplyDeleteIts not only going on through your journey but more important is to enjoy the journey.With the exception of celebrities,we all have limited things to really worry about.Marry,have kids,give better life to children.If one does understand this,there are not many instances where one feels sad.If failure is momentary failure which leads to success at a later time,sure success is no real success for u are doing any thing great except for striving the above i mentioned.If u can comprehend that SUCCESS and FAILURE are relative things interpreted by our social programming,then these are just trivial things being let down when u dont get a job or being over the moon after getting a job.Having said that your post is well appicable to all those fellas who committed,still committing sucides for failing in exams,love..etc.
ReplyDeletefailure is no failure when success is no success
ReplyDeletefailure is a failure relative to success.U didn't get selected in campus,u walked for 9 kilometres.Your obvious aim should have been to justify to your true ability rather than comparing yourself with the peer group.Its not about u getting some thing but u not getting while every one else did.This makes it evident that success and failure are relative.My obvious aim is not to belittle what u are saying but the success we think is not the real success at all.If people have the tendency to be over the moon for what ever little things they achieve,getting a job,buy a home sure they have the tendency to let down themselves for trivial issues.This every one does driven by the social programming.I mean nothing wrong to feel sad about the momentary failure.I repeat yours is well applicable to those who commit suicide for trivial issues.The rest do achieve their goals(JOB,MARRIAGE,GIVING BETTER LIFE TO CHILDREN AT SOME POINT OR THE OTHER).
ReplyDeleteMy dear Sama, your jack theory is nicely written. Unfortunately I do not agree with your theory. In my view Jack is not a looser, he is a winner. He won his love, he is still live in his girl's eyes. More ever living 100years is not a victory; I want to be living my victory for 100years. (Like Subhash Chandra Bose, Kalpana Chawla...). In some cases looses makes us winners like your Accenture :), but most of times lost opportunity sucks whole life (your ultimate asset) like me :'(
ReplyDelete"Three things that never come back: the spent arrow; the spoken word; the lost opportunity."
Am impressed-->"stopping to worry about the result of some thing thats not fully under our control, and keeping to go on no matter what it is would surely pay at some point of the journey"
Just saying thanks will not just be sufficient, for the fantasti c lucidity in your writing. I will instantly grab your rss feed to stay informed of any updates. รีวิวufa365