Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Good stuff !!

Steve Jobs, the man behind the modern computer graphics, the CEO of Apple Computers and the founder of Pixar Animation Studios on his speech at Stanford University said that at a phase of his life as student he used to walk for 7 miles across the town every Sunday to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna Temple. I bet you, none of those who contributed to that temple had ever had an intention of helping a Christian student behind their contributions. But they helped not only a Christian student but the whole world by indirectly contributing to the evolution of modern user friendly Computers.

There was a person who stood all India first or some thing of that sort in IIT M.Sc. entrance exams for Chemistry few yrs back who hails from a village close to my hometown. In an interview, he mentioned that there was a scene in a telugu movie Gharshana where heroine tells hero that she is an M.Sc. maths graduate from IIT and that that was the source for him to know that there is M.Sc. in IITs as well. With that information as starting point he did his work and went all the way to win all India first rank. Again, I bet you, none of the persons behind that movie, the director Gowtham Menon, or the hero Venkatesh or the writer of that scene or the producer would never ever had an intention of giving that information out to help the students who didnt know about that.

Last but not least, let me share another similar example before telling what I wanted to tell. There was a slum boy who graduated as IPS and was posted as DSP to his own place (if I remember it correctly, thats Karimnagar) in a letter to Eenadu (a telugu news paper) shared the experience that changed his life. He mentioned in the letter that as a child the whole classroom stuff, the letters, the digits, the chemical and mathematical formulea were all confusing to him until he met the friend of his life, an Engineer at a construction site near his hut in the slums. He said that the Engineer used to take him to his shelter every evening and used to explain for half an hour the internals, the logic behind few lessons of maths and science which changed his his way of thinking and there by his life. The angel like friend disappeared after a couple of weeks but not his effect. He wanted to thank that friend through the news paper for changing his life. Again, the Engineer might have not though that the boy will one day be an IPS.

People do stuff. Good stuff, bad stuff. What one thinks as good maynt look as good to other, what one thinks as bad maynt look as bad to other. But do stuff that you think that is good. Donate a buck to a temple, to a political party or to an orphanage, or to a beggar or what ever. Donate a minute. Donate a calorie. Donate anything that you can or want. Do good stuff. The result may amaze you one day.

Let me do some good by sharing URL to Stven Jobs speech that I mentioned above :)
Its amazing. I loved it.


  1. Awsome post. Completely agree with you. No matter how small our contribution might be towards a good cause, it might reach to a greater extent.
    At the same time, one must remember that some times the smallest mistake we do thinking that it may not be a big deal may later turns out to be a disaster. I remember reading a story in 'Chandamama' when I was a kid of the same moral. Two kids bet with each other to do some little mischief which will not be hafmful to any one and to get away with it. The pranks what they think as small(throwing a stone at a moving train and I don't remember the second one) causes a person to lose his sight and sets a house on fire. And it happens to each other's families.
    Sorry...didn't mean to take away the essence of your post, but thought of mentioning that NOT doing bad is as importand as DOING GOOD.

  2. Lot of things in life are out of serendipity.Lot of crime elements in society get inspired from movies when the film maker never intends that affect.Having said that any body can offer any thing that they think can help others.

  3. sama
    with due respect to what u wanted to tell,its always up to the individual to make use of the incidents/people they interact.Million students might have watched GARSHANA but only one made it big in life because of that.

  4. Yah, in a way thats what even I'm trying to say. U never know how much effect your work would have regardless of your intention.

  5. @sripal

    how can u be deliberate in your effort then?

  6. I'm saying now that you know these example incidents, be deleberate in doing good :)

  7. I have understood the overall point you are trying to make, Sripal. But difficult to feel the essence of it. The examples you have mentioned only prove that it is mere co-incidence that someone becomes big in life due to others unintentional actions/deeds. There could be many unknown examples wherein people have done good stuff to others knowningly or unknowningly, but the others didnt become any big in life - more of disappointments.
    I believe in doing what you wish to do with the right mind. Worrying about the consequences of your actions is only going to curb your instincts and natural self. Repercussions of your actions should affect you the most than anybody else. We dont have to be deliberate in being or doing good just for the heck of it - it is rather artificial. Your natural thoughts coming from within should translate into actions which are good.
    If I dont feel like donating something for a particular cause, doesnt mean I did something bad. Or does it?
    And for the sake of scrutiny, zooming into your post a bit further, I didnt quite relate to the first example of Steve Jobs. How did the weekly meal at the temple help him become what he is today? I havent gone through the youtube link yet.

  8. @sripal
    Einsteins E=mc2 is the main source for inventing ATOM BOMB.I read some where that he regretted finding that formulate post Americas attack on Nagasaki/Hiroshima.RGV made it big in life with Fedritzh neitcze getting influenced from the SUPER MAN concept of his while Hitler massacred millions of nazis because of that.No body does good deeds expecting a miracle but its only because of their instinct.Depending on the individuals,how they interpret/understand of a particular source, a disaster or miracle that can change the course of history is bound to happen.I still stick "All amazing things in life are outta serendipity".

  9. @sama

    Looking forward to a post on your home land,TELANGANA:)

  10. I have not seen ur blog dude..Nice Article...
    I am inspired by your article...
    I will keep doing the good I am doing...:)
